Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for item to be shipped out?

We usually take about 4 to 6 weeks to prepare the item to be shipped out.

This is due to the fact that most of our items are made to order by hand and handmade items, however, small, would take time.

Occasionally some crafts might take longer such as fine jewelry items (i.e. jewelry-quality cloisonné, feather inlay, and other customised gold or silver jewelry items).

The items in our collection are not meant for fast fashion consumers because we believe that good things are worth waiting for.

Why are your items so expensive?

Handmade items are expensive because it is not possible to mass produce them and it is not possible for human to be working around the clock to produce endlessly. 

Coupled with the fact that all our products are either made with traditional craftsmanship techniques, or repurposed from those crafts, which are already hard to come by in today’s context (there are fewer and fewer people doing it as it takes patience and time, which most modern people do not have), therefore it is hard to produce in large quantities.

We also believe in paying a fair price to the artisans and craftsmen, so we honour the price they request for (nope, no bargaining).

You mentioned that each item is unique, yet I can order several of each item for some of those in your product list. So how are they unique?

All handmade items are unique.

We have two types of items in our collection—One of a Kind. and Birds of a Feather.

One of a Kind items are not only hard to come by, but it is unlikely to have the same design or motif being made in the same style ever again. They are usually repurposed from vintage fabric or craft, thus their irreplicability. 

Birds of a Feather items are items with similar design, but because they are all hand made, so each item would definitely differ slightly from one another by the sheer virtue that our hands are not machines. Every hand embroidered item, every handcarved item and every hand painted item will surely look different when scrutinised up close.

Another reason for some of the minute variations would be that many of our items are made from organic materials such as feathers and mother-of-pearls, and objects from nature, like our thumbprints, would vary slightly, giving rise to greater individuality amidst the commonality.

Do you offer Warranty?

For One of Its Kind items, we are not able to offer warranty as they are irreplaceable. However, if it is damaged and you would like to have it fixed, you may write to us and we can provide a quotation for the repair. The cost of repair depends on the severity of the damage and in the instance we cannot repair for you, we could also offer alternatives to repurpose it into something else (if it is possible).

For Birds of a Feather items (items that we carry throughout the year and can be made to order with the same design). if the fault is ours, we will repair/replace it free of charge within the first year of purchase. This does not include repairs and replacements of damage due to regular wear and tear (especially since items like feather inlay, silk embroidery and real cloisonnés are exceptionally delicate). If you accidentally damaged them, you may reach out to us to explore possibilities of a repair or replacement. For replacement, it would be a trade-in and we would assess the damage and offer you a discount to purchase a new replacement based on the trade-in item.

How do I find out more about the crafts?

We have a summary page of some of the more usually used crafts, you can access them HERE. If you wish to read more about the various crafts, you can head over to our blog HERE and search for the craft by typing in the keyword search.

How long will it take for my item to reach me?

Estimated shipping duration for various countries are as follows:

Malaysia & Brunei (4-6 days)

ZONE 2 & 3
Asia and the Pacific (4-8 days)

Europe (5-7 days)
UK (4-6 days)
USA (6-8 days)

I will send you an email when the item is shipped so you can expect it in your mailbox soon!

How do I care for my items?

We have a Care Advice Page which you could refer to for general care information. If you have a specific query, you may also email us at and we would attend to your queries as soon as possible.

Your website is Hanfugirl which is Chinese, but you are also selling items from Japan such as repurposed Kimono and Obi items. Are you being too orientalist about your product, convoluting the two?

I agree that it appears to be self-orientalising by having the two cultures being represented on the same platform but cultures are not mutually exclusive. Japanese and Chinese culture and craftsmanship are distinctly different, though they also converge at some point. I am a fan of Japanese craftsmanship as well, and I believe that it is possible to spread greater awareness between the two cultures and craftsmanships by having them at the same platform with proper explanations. It is probably easier to convolute the two if you don’t have any point of reference for comparison, but if you have, you would realise that they are as similar as they are different and you would differentiate the two better. I also like how the Japanese internalised certain elements of the Chinese culture and turned it into something uniquely Japan. It is a good reminder of how the Chinese culture could contemporarise to be more accessible.

Can you customise a bag or a piece of jewelry for me?

Of course! Most of my bags are customised by me and made by my partnering bag tailor. I have a small collection of unique fabrics made from both Japanese or Chinese craftsmanship, and I also can customise specific Chinese craftsmanship items such as Kesi (carved silk/tapestry weave) items, embroidered items and have them made into a bag. You can have a look at our Bespoke Bag Commissions page for some ideas!

For jewelry customisation, I can also have a certain design made into pure silver filigree with gilded gold and precious stones. Just that currently I’m focusing on the more accessible range.

Why are some of your small bags so much more expensive than your big ones? How are the prices set?

We set our price based on very transparent principles such as craftsmanship (experience and professional standing of the weaver and designer), rarity of material, rarity of craftsmanship, material used (silk, natural fibre or rayon and other synthetic material), production of textile (machine weaved or hand weaved), design (generic design, or special designs), condition of textile (as some are repurposed while others are made to order).

We have a personal relationship with all our designers and makers, and we let them set the fair price for their labour and work with them on putting these items of love out there.

You will find more explanation on these in each product description.

“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. What changes our world and our being in the world is that there are things, activities, and people we care for deeply; and we make them as special (for us) as they are.” —The Little Prince

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